Visiting Scholars Program

About the Visting Scholars Program

The classification of Visiting (Visiting Scholar, Visiting Faculty, Visiting Postdoc, Visiting Instructor) is appropriate for faculty from other academic institutions who are invited to Stanford on an unpaid basis during a period of sabbatical at their home institution. In addition, this classification is appropriate for the appointment of qualified personnel from industry, government or other organizations, including retirees, who wish to visit Stanford on an unpaid basis, including those whose visit is under the auspices of an Industrial Affiliate Program or other collaborative agreement.

To apply you will need these supporting documents & information


  1. MOST RECENT CURRICULUM VITAE: CV should clearly show the complete title of the highest degree you received as well as the name of the institution where you obtained your degree, (do not abbreviate institution name) including the date, month and year. Your CV should also clearly state your current title and/or position, including the complete name of your employer.

  2. COPY OF YOUR VALID PASSPORT AND A COPY OF YOUR ACCOMPANYING DEPENDENT'S VALID PASSPORTS: Please note, the name on the passport must match the name on the supporting documents. If not, you must submit a detailed explanation and documents to support the discrepancy. (i.e.. marriage certificate, letter from employer). Passport needs to be valid 6 months past the last day of your visit.

  3. ACCEPTABLE PROOF OF FUNDING: Letter from employer, scholarship committee, bank, or funding agency; bank statement. Funding requirements are per Stanford Medicine, Office of Academic Affairs. Independent proof of funding must be provided in an amount equal to or greater than the current first-year postdoctoral stipend: $68,238 (USD) per year/$5,687 (USD) per month. This amount does not include the amount required for eligible dependents.


To submit your application

Please email PDF of required documents to Dana Nelson.

For questions, please contact:

Dana Nelson
Faculty Affairs Administrator

Current Visiting Scholars

Past Visiting Scholars

Seockhwan Choi, MD

Visiting Scholar: 2/2022 -1/2023
South Korea

Dr. Seockhwan Choi is joining us from Kyungpook National University, School of Medicine, Daegu, South Korea where he serves as Associate Professor Urology. He also has a joint appointment at University Hospital where he is a staff urologist. He graduated from Kyungpook National University, School of Medicine and received his Ph.D. at the same university. He will study at Stanford as a visiting scholar from February 2022 to January 2023.

During the past decade, most of his research works have been focused on oncologic fields of urology including prostate cancer, kidney cancer and robotic surgery. His major interest is in environment of the operation room (OR), especially air quality of OR following energy device surgeries, population-based studies of kidney cancer risk and prognosis and population-based studies of metastatic prostate cancer treatment and prognosis.

He hopes to get new perspectives of robotic surgery and join the clinical research related to population-based cancer research during his visit. 

Stefanie van Uem, MD

Visiting Scholar: 1/2021 - 1/2023
Nijmegen, Netherlands

Email: or

Dr. van Uem is an international medical graduate from the Netherlands. She graduated from the Radboud University School of Medicine in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. She will do research for Stanford as a visiting instructor from January 2021 to January 2022.

Dr. van Uem worked as a resident at the Urology department of Rijnstate Hospital, Arnhem, the Netherlands for 1.5 years. She moved to the United States recently. She will participate in the Urology Residency Match in 2022.

Her specific research interests include functional urology, neuro-urology, reconstructive urology, surgical outcomes, and statistical and epidemiological methodology.

Kyungtae Ko, MD

Visiting Scholar: 9/2021 -8/2022
South Korea

Email: or


Professor Kyungtae Ko graduated from Hallym University and received his doctorate from Seoul National University. He is currently working as an associated professor in the urology department of Hallym University Gangdong Sacred Heart Hospital. He will visit StanfordUniversity Hospital from Sep 2021 to Aug 2022.

He is active as a member at the Korean Urological Association and a director at the Korean Society of Endourological and Robotics. His main interests are kidney stones and endoscopic surgery. He is doing a lot of co-works with many colleague doctors to reduce the recurrence of urinary stones in patients suffering from repeated urinary stones. Recently, he is performing minimal invasive percutaneous nephrolithotomy using 11/12 Fr. working sheath most actively in Korea.

Korea’s medical technology is excellent, but the medical cultures such as patient safety and rights is still lacking. He wants to learn the historied medical culture of Stanford during the visiting period.