Stanford Urology Team Wins the Quality and Performance Improvement Award

The Quality and Performance Improvement Award recognizes exceptional achievement in sustained improvement in patient outcomes. Ryan Sun, MD, and his team at Stanford Urology have achieved a remarkable increase in timely urgent patient assessments as part of the 6 month-long Clinical Effectiveness Leadership Training (CELT) program and the Realizing Improvement Through Team Empowerment (RITE) courses.

The team was able to streamline the identification and prioritization of urgent cases and optimize referral process by restructuring clinic workflows to accommodate the increased demand. The results of their efforts are nothing short of extraordinary. Within months, Stanford Urology clinics witnessed a staggering increase in the number of patients receiving timely urgent assessments. From a baseline of three urgent patients seen within 10 days of referral per week, the team achieved an astounding 166% increase, now averaging eight of such timely urgent assessments weekly. This signifies more than just numerical progress; it represents a tangible improvement in patient care and outcomes.

Eila Skinner, MD, and Paul Georgantes were the sponsors of this project, led by Ryan Sun, MD, with the team comprised of Tara Kelly, DNP; Kathy Luong, RN; Julie Hart; Sophia Prendiville, and Stephanie Justo. Jake Mickelsen coached the team as part of the Clinical Effectiveness Leadership Training (CELT) and Realizing Improvement Through Team Empowerment (RITE) programs.

Realizing Improvement through Team Empowerment (RITE) is a training program focused on supporting the efforts of frontline teams to complete improvement projects.  It is geared towards maximizing the likelihood of project success, efficient use of time and resources, and education of participants in a positive supportive environment. Focused on clinical quality improvement, Clinical Effectiveness Leadership Training (CELT) is intended for clinical and administrative leaders to obtain the skills and tools needed to become healthcare improvement leaders.

Congratulations to the team for this outstanding achievement!