
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

IDEAL Initiatives: Strategic sessions for leaders and a learning journey for staff

The Office of the Provost, with the IDEAL Staff Advisory Committee, will launch two diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives this summer. 

A series of strategic alignment sessions for hundreds of Stanford leaders will take place in August. In addition, The IDEAL Learning Journey, a comprehensive educational program for staff, will be piloted in late June. These initiatives are aligned with Provost Drell’s commitment to “continuing to evolve and become a better and more inclusive institution in our pursuit of the values we hold dear.”

Beginning in late June, a group of 225 staff will experience The IDEAL Learning Journey, a comprehensive program designed to educate all staff about racism, diversity, inclusivity and equity, and build the awareness and skills needed to affect transformational cultural change. The program combines self-assessments, videos, e-learning courses, interactive workshops, facilitated debriefs and personal journaling, and includes e-learning courses from the University of California system and workshops created for Stanford by an experienced DEI educational organization.

Staff within schools and units were selected to participate in the pilot program based on a specific number of spaces allotted to each area. From Urology, TJ Bains and Polly Leung will be participating in the program and we look forward to hearing about their experiences.

Visit The IDEAL Learning Journey webpage to learn more about the pilot program for staff.


#StopAsianHate StanfordMed LIVE Special Town Hall

Thank you for joining us for the special #StopAsianHate StanfordMed LIVE Town Hall on March 26 to raise awareness of anti-Asian hate and violence in our country and to put the recent Atlanta shootings into perspective.  

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Asians, Asian Americans, and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have reported increased experiences of discrimination, hate, and violence. This includes verbal harassment, unprovoked assaults, and being socially ostracized and antagonized. On March 16, a gunman targeted three spas and massage parlors in Atlanta, Georgia, killing eight people, including six women of Asian descent. These acts of racism are directly linked to a long history of racializing Asians as “others” whose culture is unassimilable to the United States. 

The recording of this special town hall is now available. Watch the recording now

Dr. Ekene Enemchukwu is SHC's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award Winner

Congratulations to Stanford Faculty, Dr. Ekene Enemchukwu, on receiving Stanford Healthcare's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Award for her abilties to motivate her colleagues and lead initiatives that foster equality, diversity, and inclusion for patients and in the workplace.

As stated in her nomination, ”Dr.Enemchukwu has managed to balance perfectly the ability to educate her colleagues on important issues of inclusivity, ‘upstanding’ and anti-racism, while not making us feel ashamed. While she has always practiced these principles, she has created a culture of inclusivity in our department and has changed the way we interact with patients and with our colleagues. She has championed this difficult task, and has done it with a gentle hand.”


Supporting Black Voices in Urology

Dr. Ekene Enemchukwu is one of the authors of this Nature Reviews Urology Viewpoint article on supporting Black voices in urology. Her story and the stories of others illustrate the importance of perseverance and emphasize the essential role of community and mentorship to raise up our peers and colleagues, to support and encourage black urologists and lead to a more diverse field of urology in the future.


MedStaff Spotlight featuring Dr. Ekene Enemchukwu

Our Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Dr. Ekene Enemchukwu, was spotlighted in this month's SHC MedStaff Update.


Biracial Stanford physician: We must look beyond race in medicine

In this recently published article in SCOPE, Megan Mahoney, MD, Stanford Health Care's chief of staff, discusses her background; about race and how it plays out in clinical settings; and about what needs to change to overcome systemic racial inequities in the nation's health care system.


Urology Antiracist Book Club

To continue educating ourselves and working towards our goal of achieving health equity in Urology, the department held its "How to be an Antiracist" Multimedia Book Club event on August 25, 2020, organized and led by moderator Ekene Enemchukwu, MD, MPH and co-moderated by Suzette Shipp, MS.  Based on chapters of Ibram X. Kendi's "How to be an Antiracist", journal articles, and medical videos, the event sparked many meaningful conversations and discussions, and resulted in the creation of an action plan to maintain a diverse and inclusive department and achieve health equity in Urology.

Speaker Series on Achieving Health Equity in Urology - with Dr. Quinn Capers

We kicked off our first Town Hall Series on Steps to Achieving Health Equity in Urology on July 21, 2020 with invited speaker Dr. Quinn Capers, who led the discussion on bias and racism in medicine. Dr. Quinn is an internationally renowned Interventional Cardiologist, Professor of Internal Medicine, Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs at The Ohio State University College of Medicine and expert on the topic of Health Equity in Medicine. 

Bay Area Women in Urology (BAWU) - Paint and Sip Mentorship Series with Dr. Eila Skinner

Our quarterly Bay Area Women in Urology (BAWU) Mentorship series kicked off this month on July 12, 2020 with our first guest speaker, our very own, Dr. Eila Skinner, who shared her experience as a woman in urology, and offered words of advice as everyone went through their step by step guided painting with a live instructor!

Stanford Summer Community College Premedical Program Virtual Event

Dr. Ekene Enemchukwu was invited to speak at a mentorship event for URMs on July 9, 2020 and spoke to a group of Stanford Summer Community College Premedical Program students about health disparities, why she went into Medicine and why she chose Urology, a day in the life of a urologist and what advice she would give my younger self.


These 5 numbers tell you everything you need to know about racial disparities in health care

Dean Lloyd Minor discusses how racial inequities have a lasting impact on our health. He outlines three priorities for academic medical centers to bring about change and recognize the importance of social determinants of health.


Advice for LGBTQ+ Medical School Applicants

Tips from a gay Stanford MD/PhD program applicant on what to look for and ask about when applying to medical schools.